Thursday, October 29, 2009

Update 10-29-09

I would like to thank all the young men and their parents for praying for my family over the last couple of weeks. God's Love and Grace has INDEED covered me and my entire family through many ups and downs as of late. Steadfast in His Foundation is sometimes not easy. This is why we NEED each other.

We will continue our "Walking With The King" study tomorrow morning regardless of having school. We will not be so pushed for time like normal so I am pushing the start time to 7AM. We will conclude by 8:30.

This group of young men have been a pleasure to "coach" in many ways. God enriches me and encourages me every time we meet. I pray for each dad/young man to also be encouraged and grow in their own spiritual walk.

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Update 10-11-09

We finally "kicked off" our Friday morning Walking With The King study! Thanks to those who came. Unless Lisa is having a baby, lights will be on again this Friday morning to all who desires to attend. Also, the start time will be 6:30 and lights on by 6:15.

Friday morning I let the boys know that until baby Morgan arrives we will NOT be meeting on Tuesdays. Honestly, I am not sure we will. Life has a tendency of getting so busy I am not sure adding another "night" is wise. Please pray for wisdom in this regard.

Look for an update later this week.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday Morning News!!!

Great news! This morning I visited with Bernie and Rosa Veenstra, owner of Gosselink's Christian Book and they granted us permission to use their downstairs meeting area. This IS a great place for many reasons! Praise God!

Because of the hour of day, we will be using the alley side entrance. You may use the West side of Main Street (across from the cinema) and walk a half block down the alley. Or try the parking lot on the West side of Happy Joe's. If you are dropping of your son, don't worry about it. :>)

Praise The Lord we are still able to meet in the Name of The Jesus! Please pray for ALL who is kicking off a busy week! For me personally, this week is just the beginning of many. I pray for all, whatever we do, we DO for You Lord!

I'll be open and ready for anyone @ 6AM. 6:15 we'll get going.

Looking forward to Friday!

-Coach Jeff Morgan

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update 9-30-9

10 days till we "Kick Off" Walking With The King Bible study! Gotta tell you all that I am excited!
Friday October 9 @ 6:15 AM is the date and time, however we may be moving our meeting place to Gosselink's Christian Book Store. I had a chance to visit there and found that for what I want to do, it works great. I'll let you know for sure our place of meeting with plenty of notice later this week or early next.

Dads: If you are unable to attend the "Kick Off" Friday or any other Friday/event we may have, I really want you to know I understand. I do. I may know better than you could ever imagine! I would ask you to communicate and agree when the two of you can spend a hour together. Again, my good intentions are what they are sometimes, good intentions. I say that and multiply it X8! Soon a son will Cael will be here, so 9! ; > ) I can't always be perfect in life that's why we all HAVE and NEED A Perfect Saviour in Jesus Christ.

See you all next Friday!

Prayer List

A solid place to meet on Friday mornings
Lisa (Mrs. Morgan) is ready for Cael to arrive! anyday?!
Preparing for Israel (West Bank) mission trip. Updates on this soon!
A great soccer season (starts next week)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Noon Prayer 9-25-09


I am asking you ALL to pray for me and my family. Next month we will welcome Cale, our 9th child. My family is also about to experience "change" in day to day life in many ways including Jalissa turning 16 on Monday!

Guys, my words to you today is simple. Find a way, dig deep and find a way to ENCOURAGE each other! Even if you don't like that one kid, find a way to lift him up. There is also that one (or several) ways people's personalities clash and conflict is created. Happens at ALL times in life and not just in 8th grade. It does makes it tougher I know to find kind words sometimes when I am pissed off. Let it pass, breath and act on the task of encouragement! YOU WILL know why you did it when it's done in "pure" heart.

Prayer Requests:

Morgan Ministries and mission trip
Coach J's dad, Ron?
Safety of students and staff
Tonight's game
To Finish Strong!

I love you guys!

11:15 AM Friday 9-25-09

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Fresh Start

This will be the official site for information regarding "Walking With The King" Bible study designed and directed to young men and their dads from the PCGS 8th grade class.

We will "Kick Off" the journey by getting together Oct. 9 at 6:15 AM. (somewhere) Please pray for leading to this short term glitch. We will meet.

I want to also announce that The Spirit is leading and aiding me for a mission trip during the PCGS Spring Break '10 week. For further details of what the mission will consist of, please continue to read "Blurbs by big daddy". I announce this here cuz I am sure the boys will be bringing it up and my family will humbly need prayer when March rolls around. Many praying brothers and sisters is POWERFUL!!!
