Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update 9-30-9

10 days till we "Kick Off" Walking With The King Bible study! Gotta tell you all that I am excited!
Friday October 9 @ 6:15 AM is the date and time, however we may be moving our meeting place to Gosselink's Christian Book Store. I had a chance to visit there and found that for what I want to do, it works great. I'll let you know for sure our place of meeting with plenty of notice later this week or early next.

Dads: If you are unable to attend the "Kick Off" Friday or any other Friday/event we may have, I really want you to know I understand. I do. I may know better than you could ever imagine! I would ask you to communicate and agree when the two of you can spend a hour together. Again, my good intentions are what they are sometimes, good intentions. I say that and multiply it X8! Soon a son will Cael will be here, so 9! ; > ) I can't always be perfect in life that's why we all HAVE and NEED A Perfect Saviour in Jesus Christ.

See you all next Friday!

Prayer List

A solid place to meet on Friday mornings
Lisa (Mrs. Morgan) is ready for Cael to arrive! anyday?!
Preparing for Israel (West Bank) mission trip. Updates on this soon!
A great soccer season (starts next week)

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