Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday Morning News!!!

Great news! This morning I visited with Bernie and Rosa Veenstra, owner of Gosselink's Christian Book and they granted us permission to use their downstairs meeting area. This IS a great place for many reasons! Praise God!

Because of the hour of day, we will be using the alley side entrance. You may use the West side of Main Street (across from the cinema) and walk a half block down the alley. Or try the parking lot on the West side of Happy Joe's. If you are dropping of your son, don't worry about it. :>)

Praise The Lord we are still able to meet in the Name of The Jesus! Please pray for ALL who is kicking off a busy week! For me personally, this week is just the beginning of many. I pray for all, whatever we do, we DO for You Lord!

I'll be open and ready for anyone @ 6AM. 6:15 we'll get going.

Looking forward to Friday!

-Coach Jeff Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Glad the place worked out for you!
    Blessings and Thank you for all that you do!
